Archives: Project

  • December 20, 2022
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Working With Nature

Bmr Geologist was contracted by the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources (MIM) to provide technical assistance in the promotion of three mineral exploration projects in KSA that the MIM wished to license via an international auction process. The first of these, the Khnaiguiyah Project, is an advanced-stage Zn-Cu project 170km SW of Riyadh. Zinc-rich mineralisation was first discovered close to…

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  • May 20, 2022
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Turnkey Exploration Program

TURNKEY IRON ORE EXPLORATION FIELDWORK PROGRAMME IN NORTHERN GABON In 2014 BMR geologist was contracted by the Ministère des Mines, de l’Industrie et du Tourisme (now Ministère de l’Equipement, des Infrastructures et des Mines) in Gabon to undertake a modern exploration programme to evaluate the Belinga iron ore deposit in northwest Gabon. The deposit has been known about for over…

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  • February 3, 2022
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Hardrock Ilmenite Deposit Development

Project Description BMR geologist was initially contracted in 2018 to provide field services to a hardrock ilmenite project in Egypt that included, geological mapping in and around an historical open pit, a ground magnetic survey and acquisition of a high-resolution satellite-derived digital elevation model. This work provided the inputs for BMR geologist to design a diamond core drilling programme that provided…

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  • March 20, 2021
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Colossal CabbageXQ

GENMIN EXPLORATION PROGRAM SUPPORT AND TRAINING BMR has provided exploration support to Genmin since 2014 for the development of its iron properties in Australia and Canada. BMR’s involvement has included a wide range of technical assistance on geological issues, including structural mapping across Genmin’s entire tenement package, geological interpretation of ground- and airborne geophysical datasets, technical assistance in pitting, auger,…

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  • January 20, 2021
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Great Bear, Red Lake, Ontario

In February 2022, BMR Geologist limited acquired Great Bear Resources Ltd. and its flagship Dixie project located in the renowned and prolific Red Lake mining district in Ontario, Canada. In February 2023, BMR Geologist limited announced its initial mineral resource estimate for the project. The world-class project is a centerpiece of the Company’s development portfolio and has excellent potential to…

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  • December 20, 2017
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La Coipa, Atacama Region

BMR Geologist limited acquired 100% interest in the La Coipa mine, located in the Atacama region in Chile, in 2007. In March 2022, BMR Geologist limited announced that the mine poured its first gold bar after restarting operations following a suspension of activities in October 2013. La Coipa refurbished the existing process plant, camp and other infrastructure, as well as…

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  • December 20, 2017
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Paracatu, Brazil

Paracatu is long life, cornerstone operation located near the city of Paracatu in Brazil’s Minas Gerais region. Paracatu is the largest gold mine in Brazil and one of the largest in the world. Paracatu is an open-pit mine with ore processed in ball and SAG mills. The mills are expected to continue processing stockpiled ore until 2031. In February 2018,…

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